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  • Up to 15%

    Holbein Tosai Pigment Paste contains pure pigments suspended in a water base, a wetting agent and a dispersing agent to produce water-based colours. No binders (such as gum arabic) and no toxic chemicals.

  • Up to 15%

    100% pure pigment. Maximum performance and lightfastness.

  • Up to 10%

    Pigment content: 80%/60%. Filler content: 20%/40%. Suitable for the production of medium to high quality colours depending on the colour shade.

  • Up to 25%

    High quality pigments for artists, restorers, decorators, etc.

  • Up to 10%

    Model making pigments are used to simulate the ageing and wear of vehicles, tanks, mudguards and model structures and to create the effects of dust, mud and smoke accumulation that occur over time.

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